October 21, 2020
The Brief
A new survey from Mitch Landrieu’s E Pluribus Unum (EPU) organization finds major divides by race on a range of issues and perspectives, including attitudes on COVID-19 vaccine usage, how to address the pandemic, causes of poverty, equality of opportunity, access to healthcare, whether systemic racism exists and race relations.
With the backdrop of the upcoming election amidst the coronavirus pandemic, economic uncertainty and the nation’s racial reckoning, EPU commissioned the 1,800-person survey (600 Black respondents, Latino respondents and white respondents each) to track attitudes on race, class and equity, as well as pertinent national issues and policies in the South. This is the third in a series of surveys by EPU focused on the American South, the first of which was released in October 2019. A second survey with a focus on the coronavirus pandemic was released in June 2020.
“On the eve of the 2020 election, the racial divide in the American South is very clear and serves as a stark reminder of the challenge facing our country,” said Mitch Landrieu, founder and president of E Pluribus Unum and former mayor of New Orleans. “From policy priorities to views on police reform and systemic racism, Black, white and Latino residents hold very different perspectives that shape the challenges facing the United States. This is not new. And we know from EPU's ongoing work that common interests and compassion do exist across race, but the data underscore the hard work that needs to continue as America enters a new chapter.”
Overall, the coronavirus pandemic and the economy are the top priorities among Southerners surveyed.
There are large differences by race on whether the pace of the economic re-opening is too fast, not fast enough or about right. A majority of Black Southerners (53%) and a plurality of Latino Southerners (40%) believe their city or county is re-opening too fast. Meanwhile, 42% of white respondents say re-opening is occurring at the right pace. Mirroring national numbers, just 18% overall say their community is opening “not fast enough.”
When asked if they plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available, just 27% of Black respondents said “yes” with 58% saying “no”. Latino respondents were nearly evenly split, with 43% saying “yes” and 45% saying “no”. Among white respondents, 51% agreed to getting the vaccine when it is available compared to the 34% who said “no”. Among those who said they would not get the vaccine, Black residents were more likely (54%) to attribute this to not trusting this particular vaccine than an anti-vaccine posture overall. A plurality and a majority of white and Latino respondents, respectively, who said they wouldn’t take the vaccine said it was because they don’t trust vaccines in general.
2020 Elections
There is general confidence in having a fair election, but Black Southerners in particular are concerned over ballot access.
When asked which two issues are most important in determining their vote, Black Southerners overwhelmingly named racial justice (49%) and the coronavirus pandemic (44%). White and Latino respondents selected the pandemic and the economy as their top choices. Healthcare was the third choice among all races. Interestingly, the education level of the respondents did not impact the issue prioritization.
Race Relations and Systemic Racism
There remain clear racial divides in opinion regarding the causes of socioeconomic disparities in America. Even though large racial gaps remain regarding the causes for living in poverty, there has been a striking movement among white Southerners' views since our initial survey 12 months ago. A majority of white respondents (51%) now attribute poverty to a lack of opportunity rather than poor life choices. This is considerably less than Black respondents at 78%, but it marks a very striking shift among white respondents over the past 12 months (from -2 to +10 lack of opportunity/poor life choices). This shift is less dramatic than what we saw in June, though the 51% of white respondents attributing poverty to lack of opportunity remains the same. Over the same period, Black and Latino respondents are much more likely to cite “lack of opportunity” as the cause compared to “poor life choices.” Women, non-college educated and younger respondents are driving the changes among the white residents.
A majority of Black respondents (69%) and a plurality (45%) of Latino respondents think too little attention is paid to race and racial issues today in the United States. Meanwhile, nearly half (47%) of white respondents believe too much attention is paid to race and racial issues in the U.S.
Respondents of all races agree on one thing--race relations are worse than they were five years ago with 49% of white, 72% of Black and 57% of Latino respondents saying race relations are worse today. The answer is more split on whether race relations are better, the same or worse today compared to 50 years ago. A plurality of Black respondents (39%) agreed it was worse today than 50 years ago, while 48% of white respondents viewed race relations as better today. Latino respondents were mixed (28% “better”, 38% “about the same” and 32% “worse”). Across race, people are less positive about progress over the past 50 years compared to October 2019.
Police Reform
While Black respondents strongly support numerous police reforms, the support of white respondents is much weaker, particularly on changes that address use of force and the role of police in a community. Latino Southerners are more supportive of reforms than white Southerners are, but not as supportive as Black respondents are.
There’s a wide racial gap on the question of who is responsible for the deaths of Black men and women in police custody. A plurality of white respondents (39%) believe it is the behavior of individuals in police custody themselves most responsible. A plurality of both Black and Latino respondents said a “racist police system” is most responsible (42% of Black and 31% of Latino respondents), though Latino respondents’ views were mixed.
Still, racial divides exist on whether reforms will go too for or not far enough. White respondents are concerned that lawmakers will go too far with police reform (48% “too far” and 34% “not far enough”), and Black residents are concerned that lawmakers will not go far enough (65% “not far enough”). A large plurality of Latino respondents say reforms will not go far enough (48%) versus going too far (31%).
White respondents opposed “re-imagining policing, so police officers only deal with violent crime and robbery, while assigning non-violent situations to mental health professionals and other experts” in equal numbers as they approved of the concept. Meanwhile, 74% of Black respondents and 62% of Latino respondents approve of the concept of “re-imagining policing.”
GBAO Strategies of Washington, D.C. conducted the survey on landlines, cellphones, and an online panel from October 7-12, 2020. Latino respondents were given the option of taking the survey in English or Spanish. The margin of error for each racial group is +/- 4 percentage points at the 95 percent confidence level.